- Learning 2007
- LearningWiki 2007
LearningWiki is a dynamic collaborative content community site that will grow over the coming weeks, as they launch active dialogues for the over 300 sessions at Learning 2007 (Oct 21 to 24 - Orlando, Florida). It contains over 300 "pages" of content -- one per session -- which will be expanded with discussions, real time PodCasts and additional input from the over 2,000 participants.
I suppose the real juice will be revealed in the coming weeks. But here are a few podcast appetizers to engage us into learning mode:
- Social Networking Demo - A Captivate presentation by Elliott Masie (and Sarah the connector). In this presentation, he illustrates visually (with screenshots) and discusses how they will use a social networking software to connect effectively and creatively the Learning 2007 participants.
- Dan Pink Keynote and Podcast - Here is a 10 minute audio PodCast interview of Dan Pink by Elliott Masie, focused on design, personalization and "A Whole New Mind".
- Learning Changes! Video Podcast - A 17 minute briefing by Elliott Masie on the key themes for Learning 2007.
- Podcast - 25 Best Practices in Learning & Development - Elliott Masie interviews (2:42 min 42) Nick van Dam about his book (25 Best Practices in Learning & Development) and his work.
- Lance Dublin Podcast: Change & Learning - An interview (6:25 min) with Lance Dublin about the role of change and change management for Learning.
Have fun learning more about the corporate learning world (Surely we can apply or adapt some of the juice to the academic learning world, too)! One thing I admire about Masie Elliot is his amazing and humble ability to find or create learning opportunities/connections out of anything (horse riding, cars, cooking, sports, etc.). I suppose you will realize this if you explore his Learning Lab and ThinkThank Center and subscribe to his newsletter (Learning TRENDS!).
In short, have fun exploring (and participating if possible!) this evolving LearningWiki (2007), which will increasingly become juicier and messier as the weeks go by :)