Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Creating a Flex AIR Screenshot app Part 20

In this tutorial we will keep improving our crop selection functionality.

Right now, we can only select by dragging from the initial position (the coordinates that we pressed our mouse at) to bottom right. The code doesnt allow us to drag in any other direction, thanks to a conditional Ive put in the previous tutorial.

I did that, because if we create the selection into any other direction, we wont be able to drag it properly anymore. This is because the code we have right now assumes that the top left corner of the selection box coordinates are drawingRect[0] and drawingRect[1]. Instead of rewriting that code, we can just make sure that no matter what direction the selection is created, the top left corner will always be that point with those coordinates.

We can do that by adding 4 conditionals to the drawMove() function inside the if(drawing) conditional. They might look confusing at first glance, but they are pretty straight forward and there isnt much to explain from what is already written in the code. Ill just say that we will achieve our goal if we check which direction the user drags, and according to that value, set the 4 values of drawingRect accordingly, where 0 and 1 elements are always the x and y of the whole selection and represent the top left point in the rectangle.

if (drawing) {
// bottom - right
if (evt.target.mouseX > drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY > drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[1] = drawPreviousY;
drawingRect[2] = evt.target.mouseX - drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[3] = evt.target.mouseY - drawPreviousY;
// bottom - left
if (evt.target.mouseX < drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY > drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[1] = drawPreviousY;
drawingRect[2] = drawPreviousX - evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[3] = evt.target.mouseY - drawPreviousY;
// top - right
if (evt.target.mouseX > drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY < drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[1] = evt.target.mouseY;
drawingRect[2] = evt.target.mouseX - drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[3] = drawPreviousY - evt.target.mouseY;
// top - left
if (evt.target.mouseX < drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY < drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[1] = evt.target.mouseY;
drawingRect[2] = drawPreviousX - evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[3] = drawPreviousY - evt.target.mouseY;

Now we can create it in any direction and it will work just fine. We are also able to drag the created selection around.

One little problem remains, that might be really annoying and irritating - its the fact that when we drag our selection around and near the edges, it often gets "stuck", because sometimes the mouse goes a few pixels too far in a direction, which would make the selection cross the borders. Right now, if the program sees that by moving the selection it will not fit in the frame, it just doesnt move it at all. Lets change it a bit - make it actually move the selection to the very edge of the area. This will make it seem much more user-friendly and clean.

To do that, go to the drawMove() function and in the if(dragging) function, remove the long conditional checking for intersection with borders. Just set the coordinates to newX and newY. Then, call a function called validSelectionPositionCheck().

if (dragging) {
var newX:int = evt.target.mouseX - dragOffsetX;
var newY:int = evt.target.mouseY - dragOffsetY;
drawingRect[0] = newX;
drawingRect[1] = newY;

This function checks if the position of the selection crosses the borders. If it does, move it to very edge, but inside.

private function validSelectionPositionCheck():void {
if (drawingRect[0] < 0) {
drawingRect[0] = 0;
if (drawingRect[0] > drawArea.width - drawingRect[2]) {
drawingRect[0] = drawArea.width - drawingRect[2];
if (drawingRect[1] < 0) {
drawingRect[1] = 0;
if (drawingRect[1] > drawArea.height - drawingRect[3]) {
drawingRect[1] = drawArea.height - drawingRect[3];

Thats all for today.

Full code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" showStatusBar="false"
width="550" height="600" creationComplete="init();">

<mx:ArrayCollection id="headerTitles">
<fx:Object step="Step one:" description="load a web page." />
<fx:Object step="Loading..." description="please wait." />
<fx:Object step="Step two:" description="set your export preferences." />
<fx:Object step="Step two:" description="select the area you wish to crop." />
<fx:Object step="Step three:" description="set your export preferences for the cropped image." />
<fx:Object step="Exporting:" description="please wait." />

@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";

fontSize: 24;
color: #fff;

fontSize: 16;
color: #fff;

fontSize: 16;
color: #fff;

fontSize: 30;
fontWeight: bold;
color: #ffffbb;

fontSize: 30;
color: #ffffff;

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import mx.controls.HTML;
import mx.core.FlexHTMLLoader;
import mx.events.FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
import mx.graphics.codec.IImageEncoder;
import mx.graphics.codec.JPEGEncoder;
import mx.graphics.codec.PNGEncoder;
import mx.graphics.ImageSnapshot;
import spark.components.Scroller;
import spark.primitives.BitmapImage;
import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

private var urlString:String;
private var tempHTML:HTML = new HTML();

private var preferences:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("kirshotPreferences");
private var pref_screensizes:Array;
private var pref_format:String;
private var pref_quality:int;
private var pref_folder:Boolean;
private var pref_destination:String;
private var exportText:String;
private var screenGo:String;
private var drawing:Boolean = false;
private var dragging:Boolean = false;
private var inDragArea:Boolean = false;
private var drawingRect:Array = [];
private var dragOffsetX:int = 0;
private var dragOffsetY:int = 0;
private var drawPreviousX:int = 0;
private var drawPreviousY:int = 0;

private var cropCursor:Class;

private var dragCursor:Class;

private var screenSettings:Array;

private function init():void {
//preferences.data.firsttime = null;

// Set preferences if loaded for the first time
if (preferences.data.firsttime == null) {
preferences.data.firsttime = true;
preferences.data.screensizes = [
{ checked:true },
{ checked:true, w:1280, h:1024 },
{ checked:true, w:1280, h:800 },
{ checked:true, w:1024, h:768 },
{ checked:false, w:"", h:"" },
{ checked:false, w:"", h:"" },
{ checked:false, w:"", h:"" } ];
preferences.data.format = "JPEG";
preferences.data.quality = 100;
preferences.data.folder = true;
preferences.data.destination = File.documentsDirectory.nativePath;

// Set preferences loaded from local storage
pref_screensizes = preferences.data.screensizes;
pref_format = preferences.data.format;
pref_quality = preferences.data.quality;
pref_folder = preferences.data.folder;
pref_destination = preferences.data.destination;


private function doBrowse():void{
var file:File = new File();
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, browseSelect);
file.browseForOpen("Load a webpage");

function browseSelect(evt:Event):void {
urlInput.text = file.nativePath;

private function goScreenshot(screen:String):void {
screenGo = screen;
stack.selectedChild = screenshotloading;
urlString = urlInput.text;

tempHTML.htmlLoader.useCache = false;
tempHTML.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";
tempHTML.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
tempHTML.visible = false;
tempHTML.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onTempLoad);
tempHTML.htmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(urlString));

private function onTempLoad(evt:Event):void {
tempHTML.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onTempLoad);
stack.selectedChild = screenshotsettings;
if (screenGo == "crop") {
if(tempHTML.contentWidth <= 4096 && tempHTML.contentHeight <= 4096){
var t:Timer = new Timer(1000, 1);
t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, tComplete);
tempHTML.width = tempHTML.contentWidth;
tempHTML.height = tempHTML.contentHeight;
function tComplete(evt:TimerEvent):void {
stack.selectedChild = crop;
}else {
Alert.show("Dimensions of a screenshot cannot exceed 4096 pixels.", "Sorry...");
stack.selectedChild = loadpage;

private function cancelLoading():void {
tempHTML.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onTempLoad);
stack.selectedChild = loadpage;

private function screenshotBack():void {
stack.selectedChild = loadpage;

private function changeState():void {
if (stack.selectedChild == loadpage) {
contentBox.setStyle("horizontalAlign", "center");
urlInput.text = urlString;
tempHTML.width = 1;
tempHTML.height = 1;
tempHTML.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onTempLoad);
if (stack.selectedChild == crop) {
contentBox.setStyle("horizontalAlign", "left");
var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(tempHTML.width, tempHTML.height, false);
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bd, "auto", true);
cropHTML.source = b;
drawArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drawDown);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drawUp);
drawArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawMove);
displayWidth.filters = [new GlowFilter(0xffffff, 1, 3, 3, 50)];
displayHeight.filters = [new GlowFilter(0xffffff, 1, 3, 3, 50)];
drawArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, drawOver);
drawArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, drawOut);
displayHeight.text = "";
displayWidth.text = "";
if (stack.selectedChild == screenshotsettings) {
screenSettings = [set2, set3, set4, set5, set6, set7];
contSize.text = "Full size (" + tempHTML.contentWidth + "x" + tempHTML.contentHeight + ")";

private function loadScreenshotSettings():void {
set1checkbox.selected = pref_screensizes[0].checked;

for (var i:int = 0; i < screenSettings.length; i++) {
screenSettings[i].checked = pref_screensizes[i + 1].checked;
screenSettings[i].w = pref_screensizes[i + 1].w;
screenSettings[i].h = pref_screensizes[i + 1].h;

if (pref_format == "JPEG") {
screenRadioJPEG.selected = true;
} else {
screenRadioPNG.selected = true;

private function saveScreenshotSettings():void {
pref_screensizes[0].checked = set1checkbox.selected;

for (var i:int = 0; i < screenSettings.length; i++) {
pref_screensizes[i + 1].checked = screenSettings[i].checked;
pref_screensizes[i + 1].w = screenSettings[i].w;
pref_screensizes[i + 1].h = screenSettings[i].h;

if (screenRadioJPEG.selected == true) {
pref_format == "JPEG";
} else {
pref_format == "PNG";

preferences.data.screensizes = pref_screensizes;
preferences.data.format = pref_format;
preferences.data.quality = pref_quality;
preferences.data.folder = pref_folder;
preferences.data.destination = pref_destination;

private function formatChange(newformat:String):void {
pref_format = newformat;

private function startExportScreenshot():void {
var canExport:Boolean = true;

for (var i:int = 0; i < screenSettings.length; i++) {
if (screenSettings[i].checked && ((screenSettings[i].w == "" || screenSettings[i].w == 0) || (screenSettings[i].h == "" || screenSettings[i].h == 0))) {
canExport = false;

if (canExport) {
if ((pref_folder && folderField.text != "") || !pref_folder) {
}else {
Alert.show("Folder name should not be blank!", "Oops...");
}else {
Alert.show("One or more selected screen sizes are not entered or are invalid!", "Oops...");

private function screenshotDestination():void {
var newDestination:File = new File(pref_destination);
newDestination.browseForDirectory("Select directory");
newDestination.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, destinationSelect);

function destinationSelect(evt:Event):void {
pref_destination = newDestination.nativePath;

private function exportScreen():void {
var encoder:IImageEncoder;
var bd:BitmapData;
var byteArray:ByteArray;
var folderName:String = (pref_folder)?(folderField.text):("");
var fileName:String;
var file:File;
var fileStream:FileStream;
var screensToExport:Array = [];
stack.selectedChild = export;

if (pref_format == "JPEG") {
encoder = new JPEGEncoder(pref_quality);
if (pref_format == "PNG") {
encoder = new PNGEncoder();

// add full-size screen to array if checked
if (pref_screensizes[0].checked) {
screensToExport = [ { w:tempHTML.contentWidth, h: tempHTML.contentHeight, full:true} ];

// add the rest screens to array if checked
for (var i:int = 0; i < screenSettings.length; i++) {
if (pref_screensizes[i + 1].checked) {
screensToExport.push( { w: pref_screensizes[i + 1].w, h:pref_screensizes[i + 1].h } );

// if nothing is checked, go to first page and stop code
if (screensToExport.length == 0) {
stack.selectedChild = loadpage;

// create a timer that repeats itself as many times as many items there are in the array
var timer:Timer = new Timer(2000, screensToExport.length);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
// set sizes to the first size of the array
if (screensToExport[0].full) {
tempHTML.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";
tempHTML.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
}else {
tempHTML.horizontalScrollPolicy = "auto";
tempHTML.verticalScrollPolicy = "auto";
if(screensToExport[0].h <= 4096 && screensToExport[0].w <= 4096){
tempHTML.height = screensToExport[0].h;
tempHTML.width = screensToExport[0].w;
updateExportText(screensToExport[0].w, screensToExport[0].h, 1, screensToExport.length);

function onTimer(evt:TimerEvent):void {
// do export for the current size
if(screensToExport[timer.currentCount-1].h <= 4096 && screensToExport[timer.currentCount-1].w <= 4096){
}else {
Alert.show("Cannot export " + screensToExport[timer.currentCount-1].w + "x" + screensToExport[timer.currentCount-1].h + " - dimensions of a screenshot cannot extend 4096.","Sorry");
// change the size if this was not the last size in the array
if (timer.currentCount != screensToExport.length) {
tempHTML.horizontalScrollPolicy = "auto";
tempHTML.verticalScrollPolicy = "auto";
if(screensToExport[timer.currentCount].h <= 4096 && screensToExport[timer.currentCount].w <= 4096){
tempHTML.height = screensToExport[timer.currentCount].h;
tempHTML.width = screensToExport[timer.currentCount].w;
updateExportText(screensToExport[timer.currentCount].w, screensToExport[timer.currentCount].h, timer.currentCount+1, screensToExport.length);
}else {
// if it was the last size in the array, return to first page
stack.selectedChild = loadpage;

function doExport():void {
bd = new BitmapData(tempHTML.width, tempHTML.height, false);
bd.draw(tempHTML, null, null, null, null, true);
byteArray = encoder.encode(bd);
fileName = pref_destination + File.separator + folderName + File.separator + tempHTML.width + "x" + tempHTML.height + "." + pref_format;
file = new File(fileName);
fileStream = new FileStream();
fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE);

function updateExportText(w:int, h:int, current:int, total:int):void {
exportText = "Exporting " + w + "x" + h + "." + pref_format + " (" + current + "/" + total + ")";

private function drawDown(evt:MouseEvent):void {
drawing = true;
drawingRect = [evt.target.mouseX, evt.target.mouseY, 0, 0];
drawPreviousX = evt.target.mouseX;
drawPreviousY = evt.target.mouseY;
if (inDragArea) {
dragging = true;
dragOffsetX = evt.target.mouseX - drawingRect[0];
dragOffsetY = evt.target.mouseY - drawingRect[1];

private function drawUp(evt:MouseEvent):void{
drawing = false;
dragging = false;

private function drawMove(evt:MouseEvent):void{
if (drawing) {
// bottom - right
if (evt.target.mouseX > drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY > drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[1] = drawPreviousY;
drawingRect[2] = evt.target.mouseX - drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[3] = evt.target.mouseY - drawPreviousY;
// bottom - left
if (evt.target.mouseX < drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY > drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[1] = drawPreviousY;
drawingRect[2] = drawPreviousX - evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[3] = evt.target.mouseY - drawPreviousY;
// top - right
if (evt.target.mouseX > drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY < drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[1] = evt.target.mouseY;
drawingRect[2] = evt.target.mouseX - drawPreviousX;
drawingRect[3] = drawPreviousY - evt.target.mouseY;
// top - left
if (evt.target.mouseX < drawPreviousX && evt.target.mouseY < drawPreviousY) {
drawingRect[0] = evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[1] = evt.target.mouseY;
drawingRect[2] = drawPreviousX - evt.target.mouseX;
drawingRect[3] = drawPreviousY - evt.target.mouseY;

if (dragging) {
var newX:int = evt.target.mouseX - dragOffsetX;
var newY:int = evt.target.mouseY - dragOffsetY;
drawingRect[0] = newX;
drawingRect[1] = newY;

if (!drawing && !dragging){

if (evt.target.mouseX > drawingRect[0] && evt.target.mouseX < drawingRect[0] + drawingRect[2] && evt.target.mouseY > drawingRect[1] && evt.target.mouseY < drawingRect[1] + drawingRect[3]) {
cursorManager.setCursor(dragCursor, 2, -9, -9);
inDragArea = true;
}else {
cursorManager.setCursor(cropCursor, 2, -9, -9);
inDragArea = false;

private function drawRectangle():void {
displayWidth.x = drawingRect[0];
if (displayWidth.x + displayWidth.width > cropDraw.width) {
displayWidth.x -= displayWidth.width;
displayWidth.y = drawingRect[1] - 12;
if (displayWidth.y < 0) {
displayWidth.y += displayWidth.height;
displayWidth.text = Math.abs(drawingRect[2]) + "px";
displayHeight.x = drawingRect[0] + drawingRect[2] + 4;
if (displayHeight.x + displayHeight.width > cropDraw.width) {
displayHeight.x -= (displayHeight.width + 4);
displayHeight.y = drawingRect[1] + drawingRect[3] - 12;
if (displayHeight.y < 0) {
displayHeight.y += displayHeight.height;
displayHeight.text = Math.abs(drawingRect[3]) + "px";
cropDraw.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xff0000);
cropDraw.graphics.beginFill(0x00ff00, 0.15);
cropDraw.graphics.drawRect(drawingRect[0], drawingRect[1], drawingRect[2], drawingRect[3]);

private function drawOver(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if (dragging) {
cursorManager.setCursor(dragCursor, 2, -9, -9);
}else {
cursorManager.setCursor(cropCursor, 2, -9, -9);

private function drawOut(evt:MouseEvent):void {

private function validSelectionPositionCheck():void {
if (drawingRect[0] < 0) {
drawingRect[0] = 0;
if (drawingRect[0] > drawArea.width - drawingRect[2]) {
drawingRect[0] = drawArea.width - drawingRect[2];
if (drawingRect[1] < 0) {
drawingRect[1] = 0;
if (drawingRect[1] > drawArea.height - drawingRect[3]) {
drawingRect[1] = drawArea.height - drawingRect[3];

<s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" gap="0">
<mx:HBox backgroundColor="#333333" height="46" width="100%" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10">
<s:Label id="headStep" text="{headerTitles.getItemAt(stack.selectedIndex).step}" />
<s:Label id="headDesc" text="{headerTitles.getItemAt(stack.selectedIndex).description}" />
<mx:Box backgroundColor="#666666" width="100%" height="100%" id="contentBox" horizontalAlign="center">
<mx:ViewStack id="stack" change="changeState();">
<s:NavigatorContent id="loadpage">
<s:VGroup width="100%" horizontalAlign="center" paddingTop="20">
<s:Label styleName="descriptionText">Enter the link to the page:</s:Label>
<s:TextInput width="250" id="urlInput" text="http://" /><s:Button label="Browse local..." click="doBrowse();" />
<custom:ImageButton img="@Embed(../lib/b_screenshot.png)" over="@Embed(../lib/b_screenshot_over.png)" toolTip="Take screenshots" click="goScreenshot(screenshot);" buttonMode="true" enabled="{urlInput.text!=}" />
<custom:ImageButton img="@Embed(../lib/b_cut.png)" over="@Embed(../lib/b_cut_over.png)" toolTip="Crop area" click="goScreenshot(crop);" buttonMode="true" enabled="{urlInput.text!=}" />

<s:NavigatorContent id="screenshotloading">
<s:VGroup width="100%" horizontalAlign="center" paddingTop="20">
<s:Label styleName="descriptionText">The page is being loaded...</s:Label>
<s:Button label="Cancel" click="cancelLoading();" />

<s:NavigatorContent id="screenshotsettings">
<s:VGroup width="100%" horizontalAlign="center" paddingTop="20">
<s:Label styleName="descriptionText2">Select screenshot screen sizes:</s:Label>
<s:SkinnableContainer backgroundColor="#999999" width="310" height="18" >
<s:CheckBox toolTip="Use this screen size" x="4" id="set1checkbox" />
<s:Label id="contSize" styleName="settingText" x="22" y="3" />
<custom:ScreenSetting id="set2" />
<custom:ScreenSetting id="set3" />
<custom:ScreenSetting id="set4" />
<custom:ScreenSetting id="set5" />
<custom:ScreenSetting id="set6" />
<custom:ScreenSetting id="set7" />


<s:Label styleName="descriptionText2">Export as:</s:Label>
<s:RadioButton id="screenRadioJPEG" label="JPEG" groupName="screenshotFormat" change="formatChange(JPEG);" styleName="descriptionText2" />
<s:RadioButton id="screenRadioPNG" label="PNG" groupName="screenshotFormat" change="formatChange(PNG);" styleName="descriptionText2" />
<s:Label styleName="descriptionText2">Quality:</s:Label>
<s:HSlider id="screenQualitySlider" width="310" minimum="1" maximum="100" liveDragging="true" enabled="{pref_format==JPEG}" value="@{pref_quality}" />


<s:Label styleName="descriptionText2">Export destination:</s:Label>
<s:HGroup width="310">
<s:TextInput editable="false" width="100%" toolTip="Destination" text="{pref_destination}" />
<s:Button label="Browse" click="screenshotDestination();" />
<s:CheckBox id="folderCheckbox" label="Create new folder with exported images" styleName="descriptionText2" selected="@{pref_folder}" />
<s:TextInput id="folderField" width="100%" toolTip="Folder name" maxChars="200" enabled="{folderCheckbox.selected}" restrict="a-zA-Z0-9._-=+" />
<s:Button label="Back" click="screenshotBack();" />
<s:Button label="Export" click="startExportScreenshot();" />

<s:NavigatorContent id="crop">
<s:VGroup width="{contentBox.width}" height="100%" gap="0" horizontalAlign="center">
<mx:HBox backgroundColor="#999999" width="100%" height="24" verticalScrollPolicy="off" verticalAlign="middle" paddingLeft="2">
<s:Button label="Back" click="{stack.selectedChild = loadpage;}" />
<s:Button label="Export selection" enabled="false" />
<s:Scroller width="{(contentBox.width>cropHTML.width+15)?(cropHTML.width+15):(contentBox.width)}" height="{contentBox.height-24}" id="scrollHTML">
<s:BitmapImage id="cropHTML" />
<s:SpriteVisualElement id="cropDraw" width="{cropHTML.width}" height="{cropHTML.height}" />
<mx:Box width="{cropHTML.width}" height="{cropHTML.height}" alpha="0" id="drawArea" backgroundColor="#000000"/>
<s:Label id="displayWidth" color="#000000" mouseEnabled="false" />
<s:Label id="displayHeight" color="#000000" mouseEnabled="false" />

<s:NavigatorContent id="cropsettings">


<s:NavigatorContent id="export">
<s:VGroup width="100%" horizontalAlign="center" paddingTop="20">
<s:Label styleName="descriptionText" text="{exportText}" />


Thanks for reading!